A manager or employee of an organization experiencing high levels of stress may develop high blood pressure, ulcers, irritability, difficulty in making routine decisions, loss of appetite, predisposition to accident etc. These can be grouped into three general categories, physiological, psychological and behavioral symptoms. Stress can give rise to a number of changes.
Some of these changes are highlighted below:
1. Physiological symptoms of stress
Early research led to the conclusion that stress can create changes in metabolism, increase heart and breathing rates, increase blood pressure, cause headaches, and induce heart attacks. However, the link between stress and particular physiological symptoms is unclear.
Physical changes (the effects on the body)
Physiological changes in the body give rise to various diseases, for example dry mouth, headache, abdominal pain, constipation and increased blood pressure. In adults, it is a significant risk factor for ulcers, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart disease and heart attacks.
2. Psychological symptoms of stress
Work-related stress can lead to job-related dissatisfaction. Job dissatisfaction, in fact, is “the simplest and most obvious psychological effect” of stress. But stress manifests itself in other psychological states – for example, tension, anxiety, irritability, boredom and procrastination. Research suggests that when people are placed in jobs where there is a lack of clarity about the duties, authority and responsibilities of the incumbent, it causes both stress and dissatisfaction.
Affective changes (effects on feelings)
These are emotional and subjective in nature. They manifest as anger, including hostility, aggression, and fear. They express themselves through shouting, fighting, depression or physical violence. But physical illness can also occur if emotions are suppressed.
3. Behavioral symptoms of stress
Behavioral stress symptoms include changes in productivity, availability, and turnover, as well as changes in eating habits, increased smoking or alcohol consumption, rapid speech, restlessness, and speech disturbances. sleep.
1. Changes in behavior (effects on actions)
There is a decrease in the amount of work. It also affects the quality of work. Motivation may decrease and apathy, lethargy and lack of curiosity may develop. It can also lead to frustration – the feeling of insecurity and dissatisfaction resulting from unresolved problems and desires.
2. Burnout
The most important danger is the so-called burnout – the complete exhaustion of physical and intellectual resources caused by excessive efforts to achieve certain unrealistic goals. Burnout is a gradual process that occurs over a long period of time. It doesn’t happen overnight, but it can overwhelm you if you’re not heeding the warning signs. The signs and symptoms of burnout are subtle at first, but get worse over time.
3. Diseases
Unchecked stress and the resulting burnout can lead to illness. Illnesses can be psychosomatic, physical or mental in nature.
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Creation date Monday, October 19, 2020 Views 3612