– Leadership & Management Skills

Key Management Concepts and Skills

Managing people isn’t easy, but with the right tools and skills, you can do it. Follow this section to understand important management concepts, principles and approaches.

brings you different notions of management to enable your managerial excellence and your professional success. Learn the leadership attributes and high-level management skills an executive should possess. Learn how to apply these managerial skills in your real life or in professional situations. Rapidly improve your management skills and boost your Manager skills!

Behavioral approach to management

Behavioral management theory has had a profound influence on management by focusing on understanding the human dimensions of work. It is also referred to as the human relations movement as behavioral theorists focused on managing productivity by understanding the motivating factors of workers such as their needs and expectations, personality, attitudes, values, group behavior , conflict and group dynamics. He advocated the use of psychological techniques to motivate employees.

bureaucratic management

Max Weber gave the theory of bureaucratic management in 1915. Bureaucracy is a specific form of organization defined by complexity, division of labor, professional management, and hierarchical management control. Weber’s theory has two essential elements: organizational hierarchy and rules-based management. Weber distinguished between authority and power and advocated that authority should be given to the most competent and qualified people.

Characteristics of leadership

Four characteristics of leadership help us understand the character of leadership as a concept. 1. Leadership is a process, 2. Leadership involves influencing, 3. Leadership always occurs in a group context, and 4. Leadership involves achieving goals. These are the four components that make up the character of the term “leadership” and help us define the concept of leadership. All of these components of leadership have common characteristics.

Innovation concept

In today’s innovation-driven economy, understanding how to generate great ideas has become an urgent managerial priority. Managers should encourage and champion ideas and should help their organizations integrate diverse perspectives, which stimulate creative ideas and facilitate creative collaboration by harnessing new technologies. Innovation is the embodiment, combination and/or synthesis of knowledge into new, original, relevant and valued products, processes or services.

Management concept

The concept of management refers to the process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating and controlling to achieve organizational goals. It is the management of the organization’s human, physical, financial and other valuable resources in an effective and efficient manner to achieve business objectives.

Definition of leadership

Leadership has been defined in different ways by different groups of researchers. In very simple terms, leadership can be defined as the ability of a person to influence an individual or a group to achieve a goal in a given situation. Different dimensions and perspectives can be used to define leadership. Through the evolution of leadership thought, leadership has been defined in various ways discussed here.

Emerging leadership

Emergent leadership occurs when a member of the group is not appointed or elected as the leader, but rather that person becomes the leader over time in interactions within the group. Have you ever encountered difficulties in being accepted in your new role as a leader? Groups do not automatically accept a new “boss” as leader. Emerging leadership is what you need to do when taking on a new group. Learn more about emerging leadership.

Leadership factors

There are four major factors in leadership called Leader, Follower, Communication and Situation. Leader success depends on how well the leader is able to effectively communicate leadership and motivate followers to accomplish desired tasks using the appropriate style best suited to the given situation. The interdependencies and dynamics of these four leadership factors must be considered by a leader to be effective.

Hawthorne Studies - Leadership

The Hawthorne Studies were conducted on workers at the Hawthorne Plant of the Western Electric Company by Elton Mayo and Fritz Roethlisberger in the 1920s. This study established the change in behavior that occurred due to a awareness of being observed, resulting in active compliance with the researchers’ supposed wishes, due to particular attention received, or a positive response to the stimulus introduced.