– Leadership & Management Skills

Key Management Concepts and Skills

Managing people isn’t easy, but with the right tools and skills, you can do it. Follow this section to understand important management concepts, principles and approaches.

brings you different notions of management to enable your managerial excellence and your professional success. Learn the leadership attributes and high-level management skills an executive should possess. Learn how to apply these managerial skills in your real life or in professional situations. Rapidly improve your management skills and boost your Manager skills!

The skill of decision making

In its simplest sense, decision making is the act of choosing between two or more courses of action. Decision making is a key skill in the workplace and is especially important if you want to be an effective leader. When decisions need to be made, there are several steps to go through to arrive at a workable solution. Understand the meaning and importance of decision making and how to view it as a process.

Theory Z of management

Theory Z, also referred to as the “Japanese Management” style, is a leadership theory of human motivation focusing on organizational behavior, communication, and development. This assumes that employees want to build long-term partnerships with their employers and peers. Providing stable jobs with an associated focus on employee well-being results in greater employee loyalty to the company.

Thinking and problem-solving skills

Today’s dynamic business world demands that you make decisions that dramatically increase productivity and provide competitive advantage. But how do you know if a decision will benefit the organization? And how do you know that decisions are based on rational and statistical reasoning? Find out how to become a dynamic problem solver with the skills to make accurate decisions.

Better management skills

In today’s business world, mastering management skills is essential for career growth and success. Managerial skills can be defined as attributes or abilities that are essential for every leader and manager to succeed and accomplish the specific tasks expected of them by the organization.

Types of power in leadership

Power is the ability to exert influence or control over others. Leadership involves authority and it is very important for leaders to understand what kind of power they are using. The 5 types of power in leadership are coercive power, expert power, legitimate power, reference power and reward power. Authority is the right to command and obtain obedience from others. It comes from the organization and it allows the leader to use power.

Value - Key Driver of Change

Productivity is defined not in terms of the number of goods produced, but in terms of value added per employee. Customers are not really buying goods and services, but in fact they are buying value – something they value. The future is above all tangible products meeting intangible needs. Ideas like this can transform a business and provide it with a competitive edge to thrive in the future.