Project management and program leadership
Practical tips to take your project management skills to the next level.
brings you detailed learning resources on how to use project management tools and how to manage a project. Learn how to gain support from sponsors, how to organize regular meetings and communications, manage constantly changing scope and priorities, manage tight deadlines and lack of resources. Rapidly upgrade your project management skills, by examples from real cases and take full control of your next project!
In today’s business world, mastering management skills is essential for career growth and success. Managerial skills can be defined as attributes or abilities that are essential for every leader and manager to succeed and accomplish the specific tasks expected of them by the organization.
As we know, change is inevitable because market expectations are not static, new technologies are constantly being developed, and organizational responses are inevitable to these sequences. It’s a simple matter of business development. If every manager and every employee could have some understanding of the triggers for change and how they relate to each other, then acceptance of change would be easier.
Change is a complex phenomenon. There are different types of changes happening around us. This article lists twelve areas in which changes occur and bring some classification. Regardless of the classification of the change, the different headings are always linked together. The change could be triggered by market changes, technological changes or organizational changes.
Management perspectives and procedures have been revolutionized by more and more innovations in recent years. It is no longer possible to follow traditional approaches to developing your organization’s direction, management and effectiveness. Senior managers must be good decision makers. In this section, we introduce the concepts of strategy, strategic planning, strategic leadership, their exact meaning and associated terms, and how to use them.
Productivity is defined not in terms of the number of goods produced, but in terms of value added per employee. Customers are not really buying goods and services, but in fact they are buying value – something they value. The future is above all tangible products meeting intangible needs. Ideas like this can transform a business and provide it with a competitive edge to thrive in the future.
Have you ever noticed how we express ourselves or interact with each other? Have you ever wondered what communication is and what role it plays in our lives? One might wonder if communication is so pervasive and integral to our lives, why study communication? We have to study communication because it is a complex process which consists of many elements and it is also plagued by a number of obstacles and it is necessary to remove the obstacles so that the communication process be effective.