Storming Stage of Team Development

Storming is the second stage of team development and this stage is characterized by a search for power and interpersonal conflicts. Learn the key factors that occur in the storm phase and the strategies a team leader can adopt to get through this high wind phase

Storming is the second stage of team development and at this stage members begin to compete for status, leadership, and control in the group. When party members get to know each other better, the storming phase begins. This stage is characterized by an offer of power. Each team will go through this phase. Some will stay here longer than others. During the Storming phase, conflicts arise as team members attempt to determine their roles and delegate tasks. This step can be difficult, but it can also be very productive.

Assault Stage Features:

Key factors that occur during the storming phase for team members can include:

  • Individuals understand the behavior of others and assert their role in the group.
  • Team members can compete for a certain role or position within the team.
  • The leader’s authority may be challenged as others compete for the position.
  • As a result, an interpersonal conflict begins.
  • Members attempt to resolve work-related and labor relations issues.
  • They also solve problems related to the role of the individual in the group.
  • Roles and responsibilities are clarified to some extent.
  • The rules and modes of teamwork are beginning to be defined.
  • The team still lacks established processes.
  • The team lacks strong interrelations with its colleagues.
  • Some members may feel overwhelmed with all there is to do.
  • Some members may also feel uncomfortable with the approach used.
  • Some may even begin to question the relevance of the team’s goals.
  • Some may begin to resist taking on tasks.
  • The members will begin to open up but also to confront each other on ideas.
  • Can be painful for team members who are reluctant to deal with conflict.
  • Politeness tends to fade and disagreements may arise.
  • Control often becomes the main problem.
  • Disagreements can be very obvious or subtle.
  • Strong fluctuations in attitude towards the team and the project’s chances of success.
  • Arguing between members even when they agree on real issues.

Conflict management during the storming:

When team members fight over roles and responsibilities, conflicts can arise. But it can also be a highly creative stage as ideas are generated and challenged, and important issues are discussed. Identify some of the problems they will need to solve. If they want to take the next step, team members must learn to disagree openly and constructively while remaining focused on common goals and points of agreement. During the Storming stage, to help the development team, you need to focus on team building to make sure people can get to know each other and not get stuck thinking of each other as competitors.

To ensure that Storming results in positive growth, the team leader must:

Each team will go through this phase. Assault is the hardest stage for a team to overcome, and it’s the stage where many teams fail. Some teams may stay here longer than others. Storming is necessary for the development of a healthy team. When team members begin to trust each other enough to voice their differences, it signals that they are ready to work things out.