– Treasury – Funding Management

Investment Management’s objective is to implement strategies to obtain the best borrowing rates and reduce investment costs.

Debt and investment strategies should optimize the capital structure by balancing the trade-offs between debt and equity, risk and returns.

The treasurer uses analyzes of the current liquidity and risk situation to make decisions about future investments and borrowings, taking into account conditions in the financial markets.

Law management

Borrowing and lending in the form of loans is a key part of a company’s liquidity and portfolio management. Some objectives of this component are:

  • To reduce the financial costs of a business enterprise
  • To reduce the cost of borrowing.
  • Obtain competitive rates on short-term debt financing.
  • Identify alternative financing solutions
  • Reduce bank charges.

Investment management

  • By gaining timely insight into available cash, investment returns can be maximized.
  • And that translates into higher profits and faster growth.
  • Generate additional value from regional and consolidated cash surplus
  • Redeploying excess corporate cash flow
  • Reduce demand for cash
  • Investment policies and procedures

Risk return profile must be managed in such a way as to optimize the investable surplus.

Tax efficiency Investment instruments should be monitored by identifying opportunities to reduce tax liabilities and maximize cash flow.

In larger companies, the treasury function will also include trade in bonds, currencies and financial derivatives.