Leadership Theories

Leadership theories

Learn how and why some people become leaders, a theoretical approach to leadership, and how to apply leadership in real-world organizations.

offers you various leadership theories to advance your understanding of different leadership approaches and learn new ways to practice leadership more effectively. Begin build your leadership foundations. There is a wide and ever-growing interest and different schools of thought in the study of leadership because it is so important to the success of individuals, organizations and nations. Over time, a number of leadership theories have been proposed to explain the concept and complexities of the leadership process. Rapidly improve your leadership skills and improve your leadership abilities.!

Leadership Styles

Have you ever resonated that there seem to be as many different ways to lead people as there have been great leaders? When one recalls the success of Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, Napoleon Bonaparte to Steve Jobs and Jack Welch, one also notices that they all used different approaches suited to their particular situations and circumstances. Over the last century, researchers and psychologists have developed simple ways of describing “leadership styles” and in this section we will explore these commonly known leadership styles.

Leadership Substitute Theory

Leadership theory surrogates are based on understanding the context in which leadership occurs. Different situational factors can enhance, neutralize or substitute for leadership behaviors, as in some circumstances situational factors can substitute for leadership. These substitutes are of two types – substitutes and neutralizers. Substitutes take away the power of the leader and help group members increase their performance. Neutralizers only remove influence from the leader.

Leadership Traits - A Big List

What are the qualities and characteristics of a good leader? Great leaders possess basic leadership traits and skills. The list includes the most important leadership qualities and skills to look for in a great leader. These are essential traits of a powerful and successful leader, the qualities a leader possesses to be great.

Lewin's change management model

Lewin’s Change Management Model is a framework for managing organizational change. Lewin’s methodology of different leadership styles recognizes three distinct stages of change – creating perception; evolve to the new level of desired behavior and ensure that the new behavior becomes the norm.

Leadership Life Cycle Theory

Situational leadership theory was first introduced in 1969 as the leadership life cycle theory. This theory suggests that the type of leadership style appropriate in a given situation depends on the maturity of the follower. According to the life cycle theory, the leader must match the leadership style according to the situation and the behavior of the leader varies as the group matures.

Likerts management system

Rensis Likert studied patterns and styles of managers and developed four management systems known as Likert’s management systems. These styles developed by him are known as Likert management systems. System 1 – Authoritative Operation; System 2 – Benevolent authoritarian; System 3 – Consultative and System 4 – Participative.

Management theories

Management theories are the recommended management strategies that allow us to better understand and approach management. Many management frameworks and guidelines have been developed over the past four decades.

Managerial Grid Theory

Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid is a style leadership model that identified five manager styles based on two dimensions, namely people-oriented and production-oriented. Managerial Grid uses production style concern which is largely based on McGregor’s Theory X.

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a theory of motivation that explains that people are motivated by five basic categories of human needs. These needs are physiological, security, love and belonging, esteem and self-actualization. There is little scientific basis for this concept of hierarchy of needs.