Leadership Theories

Leadership theories

Learn how and why some people become leaders, a theoretical approach to leadership, and how to apply leadership in real-world organizations.

offers you various leadership theories to advance your understanding of different leadership approaches and learn new ways to practice leadership more effectively. Begin build your leadership foundations. There is a wide and ever-growing interest and different schools of thought in the study of leadership because it is so important to the success of individuals, organizations and nations. Over time, a number of leadership theories have been proposed to explain the concept and complexities of the leadership process. Rapidly improve your leadership skills and improve your leadership abilities.!

Characteristics of leadership

Four characteristics of leadership help us understand the character of leadership as a concept. 1. Leadership is a process, 2. Leadership involves influencing, 3. Leadership always occurs in a group context, and 4. Leadership involves achieving goals. These are the four components that make up the character of the term “leadership” and help us define the concept of leadership. All of these components of leadership have common characteristics.

Charismatic theory

Charismatic leadership is a trait-based theory of leadership where leaders act as visionaries driven by their beliefs and motivate their followers to work towards a common vision using their charm and persuasiveness. These charismatic leaders act as role models and exhibit extraordinary characteristics that inspire dedication and motivation in followers to persuade change. Leaders are able to cultivate a deep sense of trust with the group of followers.

Cognitive resource theory

The cognitive resource theory states the influence of the leader’s resources on his reaction to stress. A leader’s cognitive resources are experience, intelligence, skill, and task-relevant knowledge. Stress is common in resource management situations, and this cognitive theory emphasizes how intelligence and experience are each better in different stressful situations. This theory is the reconceptualization of Fiedler’s model.

Contingency theories in action

Contingency theory suggests matching the best leader to a specific situation based on situational factors and leadership style. The practical application of the theory can be done in different ways. The workplace example involves determining the best candidate for a given set of requirements using the LPC score. Application of the model to determine the adaptability of a leader in the scenario of a new project, etc.

Contingency theories of leadership

Contingency theories of leadership focus on both the personality of the leader as well as the situation/environment in which that leader operates. These theories consider the context of leadership, meaning whether or not the leadership style is suitable for a particular situation and state that a leader can be effective in one circumstance and unsuccessful in another. A leader will be more effective when he applies the right style of leadership to a given situation and environment around him. Contingent leaders are flexible and adaptable.

Leadership continuum

The leadership continuum is a theory of leadership based on the relationship between the level of freedom given to the team and the level of authority used by the manager. The style of leadership chosen will depend on several factors, including the personality of the leader.

Definition of leadership

Leadership has been defined in different ways by different groups of researchers. In very simple terms, leadership can be defined as the ability of a person to influence an individual or a group to achieve a goal in a given situation. Different dimensions and perspectives can be used to define leadership. Through the evolution of leadership thought, leadership has been defined in various ways discussed here.

Emerging Leadership Theory

In leadership, the leader is not appointed or elected to the emergent role of leadership, but emerges as the leader as perceived by others over time as a result of group interaction. A person becomes the leader over time by willingly taking on tasks, helping others do their tasks better, and building consensus among groups.

Environmental approach

According to environmental theories of leadership, a leader must effectively manage environmental complexities and lead in a certain style due to environmental responses. Environmental influence leadership requires leaders to learn how to adjust environmental factors. Leaders also have a responsibility to create the right kind of environment for their followers by focusing on environmental factors and pressures.