– Project Leadership

Project direction

Project management and program leadership

Practical tips to take your project management skills to the next level.

brings you detailed learning resources on how to use project management tools and how to manage a project. Learn how to gain support from sponsors, how to organize regular meetings and communications, manage constantly changing scope and priorities, manage tight deadlines and lack of resources. Rapidly upgrade your project management skills, by examples from real cases and take full control of your next project!

Time management skills

How often do you have a plan for how you’re going to spend your day, but aren’t able to complete the tasks in your plan due to unimportant tasks, interruptions, or your own procrastination? Wouldn’t it be great to be able to manage your schedule and time while avoiding, or at least controlling, these time thieves? Learn strategies for managing your schedule while managing interruptions and time pressures.

Defining team and teamwork

Teams are part of modern organizational culture. Whether you are a team leader or a member of a team, having a better understanding of how teams work and being able to identify where the team is in the process is a critical part of ensuring the ultimate success of the team. Start with the basics and understand what a team is and what role it plays in an organization.

Time management process

Time management is the process of planning and exercising conscious control over the time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency and productivity. The best time management techniques improve the way you work. Time management refers to the effective management of time so that the right time is allocated to the right activity. Learn more about the five steps to effective time management, viz. study, identify, analyze, decide and implement.

Eight types of teams

Many types of teams have been identified by social scientists. Managers can encounter various types of challenges while managing different types of teams. The challenges associated with cross-functional teams can be different from those of a geographically dispersed team or a virtual team. This article explores some common categories and subtypes of teams.

Benefits of Workplace Teams

The use of formal work teams is commonplace in modern organizations. But why do we have teams? What are the benefits or advantages that teams bring to organizations and employees? Do we really need to adopt formal team structures and use team building approaches in organizations? Read this article to explore and discover the benefits of having formal teams in organizations.

Create Highly Effective Teams

How to create effective teams? What comes to mind when you think of an effective team? High-performing teams demonstrate accountability, purpose, cohesion, and collaboration. It is a team that works transparently as a whole. Each brings unique talents and strengths and supports each other to bring out the best in each. How to create one?

Team development phases

All teams are dynamic by nature and they take time to form, they form, develop and grow in stages, over a period of time. Teams go through five progressive stages: Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning. In this article, we want to walk you through these stages of team development and some strategies you can use to help the team grow and develop through each of these stages.

Team foundation in formation phase

This is the first stage of team development. This is the stage where the foundations of the team are laid. During the training phase, team members rely heavily on their leader for guidance. Learn the practical strategies you can use during this stage to help your team become a highly effective high performing team.

Assault stage of team development

Storming is the second stage of team development and this stage is characterized by power seeking and interpersonal conflict. Learn the key factors that occur in the storm phase and the strategies a team leader can adopt to get through this high wind phase