We offer a library of over 250 courseware modules in areas such as industry domain knowledge, business processes, finance, project management, strategic planning, sales, marketing, leadership and teamwork, and diversity to develop specific leadership skills.
We are a leading financial e-learning company providing e-learning solutions for the following industries:
- Banking and financial services sector
- Various areas of industry
- business process
- Leadership skills
- Financial Services Regulators
- Large companies
- Small and medium enterprises
- Consulting firms
- Technology companies
- Educational institutions
- Professional Affiliations
From business fundamentals to advanced strategies and tactics, addresses vital issues: managing costs, developing business plans, identifying market opportunities, and optimizing productivity. Our unique combination of lectures, discussions, case studies and “hands-on” simulations allow managers to apply newly acquired business skills to solve real-world problems.
A person who has domain knowledge and who also understands the functional areas (business processes) views the business with a “leadership mindset” – they understand how the different segments and processes of a business work together to drive business. money and be successful in the market. This executive mindset can be further developed by understanding various leadership skills and using the tools available.
provides you with the best tutorials (made of articles and videos) to acquire the following three skills:
1. Knowledge of the domain
– Understanding of businesses and how they make money. A fully blended program offering the analysis, design, implementation and evaluation of high-impact, end-to-end learning solutions designed to demystify industry domain topics.
2. Functional knowledge
– Understanding of business processes and key drivers.
3. Leadership skills
– Develop your leadership to foster the success of the organization.
We work very hard to keep the quality of the tutorials available here to be best in class. We provide the optimal on-demand learning experience for employer and employee – delivering significant and lasting performance improvement – and quantifiable results. We are widely recognized as providing the best learning experience for business professionals. This is due, in part, to our comprehensive library of premium, web-optimized content developed by practitioners for practitioners. Our subject matter experts are leading educators in their respective fields, research analysts, business leaders, university professors and recognized authors. For companies looking for in-depth, introductory and continuing education at all levels, our course catalog offers courses that can easily be configured into courses that meet your needs. And our new just-in-time learning delivery system provides ongoing performance support – as needed.
Explore each of the three areas above to learn more about them or click on the images below to go directly to the different subsections and start exploring the tutorials available under each.